Commonly Used Government Acronyms

ADA - Atlanta Development Authority

APAB - Atlanta Planning Advisory Board, and advisory board with representatives from each of the 25 NPUs

ARC - Atlanta Regional Commission

BATMA - Buckhead Area Transit Management Association

BZA - Board of Zoning Adjustment, a 5 member board of citizens appointed by the City Council. The BZA hears variance and special exception requests. BZA meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 12:00p.m. in the City Council Chambers of City Hall. The BZA is a deciding body. Decisions may only be appealed through Fulton Superior Court.

CDBG - Community development Block Grant

CDP - Comprehensive Development Plan, developed by City with NPU input, to provide a broad policy framework for development and growth.

CID - Community Improvement District (a self taxing mechanism)

CIP - Capital Improvement Program

CMAQ  - Congestion and Mitigation Air Quality (funds)

DRI - Development of Regional Import (a recommending body- ARC & GRTA)

FAR - Floor Area Ratio:

  • Residential = area of heated space less non-residential space and resident common-use areas (rec rooms) divided by Gross Land Area

  • Non-residential = area of heated space divided by net lot area (length times width)

  • Mixed Use = residential F.A.R. divided by non-residential F.A.R.

GLA - Gross Land Area, half of right-of-way (including streets, parks, lakes, cemeteries) up to 50 feet in width may be counted towards GLA calculations

GRTA - Georgia Regional Transportation Authority

HERO - Highway Emergency Response Operation

I-1  - Light Industrial District

ISTEA - Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (emphasizes integration of transportation and land use)

LC&DR - Program Light Construction & Debris Removal Program

LOS - Level of Service (traffic term: graded A-F)

LUI - Land Use Intensity

NPU - Neighborhood Planning Unit, 1 of 25 voluntary citizens planning units

O&I - Office-Institutional

O-I-R - Office-Institutional-Residential

PD-H  - Planned Development Housing

PD-MU - Planned Development-Mixed Use

PD-OC - Planned Development-Office Commercial

PIP - Public Improvement Program, a 1994 bond referendum passed to repair city streets, bridges, viaducts, storm drainage systems and parks

R-LC - Residential-Limited Commercial

R-1, R-2, etc - Single Family Residential

RTP - Regional Transportation Plan

SPI - Special Public Interest District, a special development plan which puts tighter restrictions on existing zoning ordinances than would ordinarily apply. NPU-B has 3 SPI Districts within its boundary: SPI-9 (Buckhead Village), SPI-12 (Lenox/Buckhead) and SPI-15 (Lindbergh)

TMA - Transit Management Association

TMP - Transit Management Plan

TOD - Transit Oriented Development (ex: Lindbergh Marta)

TSAD - Transit Study Area Development (funded by Federal Government)

VBB - Volume Based Billing (pay as you throw)

ZRB - Zoning Review Board, a 9 member committee appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by City Council. The ZRB hears requests for special use permits and rezoning. Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 6; 00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. The ZRB is a recommending body.